I cannot believe it's been since January, and here we are, almost halfway through July of 2011!!! Where oh where has my precious time gone? Work, kids, roof problems, high school graduations, party, vacation to upstate NY and RI to see some of my favorite folks, a wedding of a nephew, frantically attempting the impossible to create an heirloom wedding gift in time (NOT!!! But by the holidays, for sure.....I hope....), more work, dead dishwasher and tv (thanks to a thunderstorm while we were away)...more work......
Oh yes, and a crashed computer due to a virus....thought I had lost all of my precious crochet patterns. It took me a week to find them in hidden files, but once I did, I purchased a 1TB external drive and have them safely stored on that. Anyone who knows me, knows how I treasure my patterns....they are my "precious" to me being Gollum.....I love to collect them; you never know when you will need a particular one....someone someday is going to want to have this.....and the list goes on. My current love is to find as many freebies as I can on the internet. And the fact that I can save them in a tiny byte of information on a hard drive (or 2 or 3), makes collecting as many as I can all the more fun......
So, yes, when my computer crashed, and I thought I had lost most of my cherished patterns. Funny how you can miss something that isn't really tangible, but a fragment of space and time......
Onto my projects....there have been doilies and aforementioned tablecloth. I am hoping to post pictures of my projects this weekend, and maybe a few from my visit home. I will definitely have to keep up with my blog more often now that I have a couple of friends telling me that "yes Beth, it is no longer January....I am following you." Sooooo, in an effort to keep up with everyone, I am going to make the concerted effort to not let time and space get in my way of posting to my friends out there in CyberWorld!
Looking forward to hearing from and about y'all! I have missed you, oh wonderful world of the internet!!!